Diploma media computer scientist
12.09.1981 in Berlin, Germany
German & French
Sports, music, photography, typography, architecture, cooking
German (native), French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (basic), Dutch (basic)
TypeScript & JavaScript, HTML, SVG, JSON, CSS, LESS, SASS, WebGL, XML, JSON, XSLT
React, D3.js, Next.js, Three.js, Mapbox GL JS, Tailwind CSS, XState, Svelte, Node.js
VS Code, JetBrains IntelliJ, Android Studio, Git, Webpack, Docker, ChatGPT
User Experience, Performance, SEO, eCommerce, Information Visualization, Interaction Design, Web, Responsive Design, Client Development, Software Architecture, Computer Genealogy
Digital exhibition "einfach gut gemacht - politisch Bildung in Sachsen". Concept, UX, training & development.
Technologies: Svelte, Contentful, GraphQL, Tailwind
Ux consulting for landing pages, testimonials, and interactive widgets.
Family trees for two other large German families. Conception, development, integration & training.
Frontend Lead for Intranet of Baselworld / Houruniverse. Development, training & consulting.
Via Mch / Aperto
B2B dashboard for digital product development, signal visualization, and fleet management. Conception, UX, training & development.
Technologies: Next.js, Vite, React, D3, Mapbox, DeckGL, Graphql, Apollo, Puppeteer, Jest, Playwright, ES6, Nodejs
New design of the existing digital family for> 2,000 family members. Requirements: Infovis-inspired user interface, optimization of mobile-ut, optimization of speed and loading times, linking with the contemporary context.Technologies: Reactjs, Reduxjs, WebGl, Nodejs, Karma, Mocha, Webpack, Invision, Sketch
Duration: 2 months
Relaunch of the booking portal Weg.de. Training of the frontend team in component-based client architecture, advice on technology transfer, exemplary implementation of individual components, and code review.Technologies: NextJs, Reactjs, Redux, Webpack, Jest, ES6, CSSNEXT, Nodejs
Duration: +24 months
Conception & development of a digital family chronicle over 350 years of family and company history.Topics: pitches of UX concepts, coordination with shareholder management, tooling, deployment, QATechnologies: Reactjs, Webpack, Figma, Cssinjs, Vercel
Duration: 4 months
Training of employees from IT and project management in modern web development. Goal: Learning techniques for prototyping, assessment of feasibility, and expenses of existing and upcoming projects. Hands-on with state-of-the-art tooling.
Topics: Reactjs, Nodejs, UI frameworks, form handling, Qa
Advice regarding and implementing QA and CI strategies for microservice-based web applications. Requirements: Set up processes and tooling to measure software quality, define quality standards, and ensure high-quality automated deployments.
Technologies: Docker, NPM, Amazon Web Services, Typescript, Intern, Drone CI, Jira, Bitbucket, Threejs, WebGl
Duration: 4 months
Development of an interactive print preview for the Saxoprint.de print portal. The printing data of the customers are shown on over 600 very different products (folding tents, winding brochures, books, packaging, ...), with which interacting can be interacted according to their characteristics (turning, leafing, turning on, ...).
Technologies: Reactjs, Reduxjs, ES6/7, CSSNEXT, JASMINE/JEST, Enzyme, Webpack, Nodejs, Threejs, WebGL
Duration: 3 months
Technical management when providing tender for the Games Portal from Bundesliga.de, including HTML5 Games-Channel & Kidscorner. Integrating Free2Play & Mobile games, social media, football and VoD content, Golive tracking, and SEO strategies.
Client KTI Multimedia GmbH Hamburg for DFL/Bundesliga.de.
Maintenance and HTML5 porting the Hotellerie B2B software from HQ Plus.
Technologies: Reactjs, Reduxjs, Flash/Flex
Support in the transformation of advertising materials to modern HTML5 ads. Building an animation kit, developing a deployment pipeline, optimizing for AD-specific size specifications, optimization of the creation processes, and training the team in modern web development.
Technologies: CSS3, Gulp, Nodejs, ES6
Online shop for garden culture: accessories, furniture, garden tool.Goal: Transporting the Shopping experience of the physical shop into e-commerce counterpart, range of assortment, and visibility increase.Area of responsibility: conception, technical implementation, design lead, team coordination (5 people), social media strategy.
Technologies: Oxid Esales, HTML5, JavaScript, Less
Android tablets for seniors. The focus is on the simplicity of the operation, remote maintenance by relatives, and the direction of the apps on senior-relevant topics (health, communication, security, entertainment).
Area of responsibility: App strategy, UX design, and app development.
Technologies: Java, Android, http
Interactive presentation film for leading German technology companies for use at trade shows and sales. The app is designed as a high-resolution interactive HD movie. The information is enclosed by rendered movie loops, each interaction leads seamlessly into a new movie.
Development and fine concept of virtual books for the museum terminals of the Dresden Military History Museum. Permanent exhibition and exchange exhibition from November 2012. Requirement: an original three-dimensional representation of extensive historical books, embedding in a client-server architecture, use of hardware acceleration, and gestures-based interaction.Virtual books: Coordination of development, tests, and care, a draft of the software architecture.
Technologies: Adobe Air, ActionScript, Greensock Tweenlite, Away3d, Drupal, Orm, SQLite
Freelance responsible for the design, range of functions, client development, client-server architecture, and project management. Topic area: genealogy, extensive family tree. Initially developed as a Flash application, the family tree was later ported with an extended range of functions according to HTML5 and JavaScript. In addition to the intuitive visual representation of complex family structures with several thousand members, PDF printing functionality, narrow integration with the surrounding jive software, use on mobile devices, and instant search and filter functions are the functions of the family tree.
Technologies: HTML5, CoffeeScript / JavaScript, Spine MVC, Raphael.js, JSON, JQUERY, MODENIZR, React.Js
Project management, production, and motion design of documentation videos on research projects. With the help of the videos, the Vodafone Foundation Court successfully acquired EU funding gates.
Design lead in the redesign of an intranet based on SAP Netweaver. Creation of the design concept in close customer agreement and coordination of implementation.
Technologies: SAP Netweaver, RFC, CSS
Macro semantic visualization T-Systems MMS, DresdenConception and development of interactive company visualization. The goal was to illustrate over a thousand employees for synergy recognition, which are devoted to thousands of topics in several hundred working groups.
Technologies: Flash, ActionScript, Atlassian Confluence
independenceOrder work in the area of web & mobile, from simple CMS sites to complex web & native Android apps. Focus on client development, UX & Userterfaces. Conception, development, and coordination services.
Preferred technologies: HTML5, CSS3 / CSSNEXT, ES6 / ES7, Android (Java)
"interactive two-dimensional representation of experience time based on visited places" Final grade: 1 (approximate equivalent: A)
diploma thesis at tu-dresden.de
"materiality and interaction", ungraded
research thesis at tu-dresden.de
"Approximation of contemporary ornamentation using the experimental film"
Final grade: 1.3 (approximate equivalent: A)
supported by Inwent / GIZ scholarship
Pestalozzi Grammar School in Unna, Germany.
Advanced courses in mathematics and social sciences
arctic code vault contributor archiveprogram.github.com
2nd place photo competition "Go-Out Studying"
1st price logo pitch at microcomputer chair