Architecting and developing rich front-end web apps. Supporting international brands such as,, T-Systems, and Siemens as well as local agencies. Focusing on state-of-the-art technology and design
Android Tablets for seniorsConcept, design lead, project management, client development
shooting and producing short movies, eg for Dell Mexico, Vodafone Chair at TU Dresden, commercial for Ostrale arts festival, Video tutorials for T-Systems
GitHub arctic code vault contributor, 2020 2nd place photo competition "Go-Out Studying", 2008 1st price logo pitch at microcomputer chair, 2007
assistant & photographer at Goetheinstitut Dresden voluntary work at Cocolores kindergarten
"interactive two-dimensional representation of experience time based on visited places" Final grade: 1 (approximate equivalent: A)
"materiality and interaction", ungraded
Arts & Design"Approximation of contemporary ornamentation using the experimental film" Final grade: 1.3 (approximate equivalent: A)
supported by Inwent / GIZ scholarship
German (native), French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (basic), Dutch (basic)
web- & software development, OO- / Component-Design, HTML, TypeScript, CSS3, React, Redux, Flux, Git, Nodejs, Webpack, d3
Adobe Creative Cloud, Figma, Sketch, MS Office, Openoffice
Greetings! I'm Manuel, a Media Computer Scientist, always caught between lines of code and playful creation. Born in Berlin, 1981, I'm an astounding blend of German precision and French artistry. My personal interests – running the gamut from sports, music, and photography, to architecture and cooking– fuel my creativity and give my work a distinct flair. I'm multilingual, speaking German and French natively, with fluent English and Spanish, and basics in Portuguese and Dutch, enriching my communication and perspectives. I have spent an adventurous career bringing ideas to life, ranging from digital exhibitions to family tree systems, all while giving technology consulting and conducting training sessions. My toolbox is filled with languages like TypeScript, JavaScript and HTML, alongside frameworks such as React and Node.js. Whether it’s enhancing UX, optimizing SEO, or crafting responsive designs, I find joy in each challenge. My work has seen me contributing to business dashboards, landing pages, and even recreating the charm of physical shops in their e-commerce counterparts. It's a joy to make the complex simple and the simple compelling. Let’s build the future together!